Sunday, 25 May 2014

Just Me !

Hey everyone....
no card from me today.   Just a mug shot!!
Since I started my blog 6 years ago (doesn't time fly) I have always used a picture of my Suzie as my profile pic.
Now she has gone, it was time to make a change.
So here I am...   :-)


Lee said...

Awww hello Caroline me buddy,you look gorgeous hun and I'm sure lil Suzie would aprove of her mummy's pic too.Sendin you Big Big Huggles.xx

Dotty Jo said...

Good to meet you Caroline! Jo x

Lynne in NI said...

Hello Caroline!

Eve said...


It's so nice to see you!!

I do know how you feel -as you know I recently put my picture on my blog - scary!!

Well you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL and I so am glad you have revealed yourself!!

Donna said...

Gorgeous piccy Caroline, so lovely to see you and sorry to hear about Suzie. Donna ♥ x

Di said...

Lovely photo Caroline! Sorry, I'd missed about Suzie :(

Hugs, Di xx

catherine said...

Great to see youCaroline. this is weird- just before I'm visiting you I have just posted something on my blog- yes a pic of me and was so nervous about it!! Couldn't believe it when I came here but I'm glad to see you after all this time. Sorry about Suzie.
x catherine

Aileen said...

Good to "see" you Caroline! x

wienerhoneymooners said...

Yay!!! Good to see and meet you!!!!
Love your blog!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, it's nice to see a picture of you. I don't often post our picture either, but once in awhile it's fun to see our blog friends.

I hope you are enjoying the summer days.
