Saturday 18 May 2024

Eat Cake All Day

Hello. I just had time to squeeze a quick card in today.
So I went with an easy stamp - one of my all time favourites - and some simple colouring. 

How cute are these little hedgies?
I'm playing along with the AAAColourful challenge, so I've gone for pastel shades on the candles.



  • penny black stamps - party pooped
  • hero arts sentiment - eat cake all day
  • copics / white gel pen
  • mft - fish tail flag die


Eve said...

Hi Caroline
I just had to pop over to your blog when I saw this card come up on my feed - Wow - what a fabulous card! I love Penny Black stamps and I love your CAS style - something I can never seem to master!
It's been a while since I have visited your blog but now I know to visit more often!
Eve xx

Sarah said...

Awww, this is just wonderful!!

Nancy said...

Absolutely adorable! Thanks for playing along with the moodboard challenge at AAA Colourful!